Before and after

Screenshot from 2024-08-27 12-38-09

Portfolio running

Make folder, clone

Screenshot from 2024-08-27 12-42-38


Screenshot from 2024-08-27 15-14-54


Screenshot from 2024-08-27 15-16-12

Version check

Screenshot from 2024-08-27 15-18-00

Home page modification

Screenshot from 2024-08-27 15-21-32

Personal template running

Run server

Screenshot from 2024-08-27 15-27-57

Home page

Screenshot from 2024-08-27 15-27-47

Team Picture


What does rm do?

rm is the remove command in Linux. It can be used to removed files, folder, or any other data via the terminal. When you use rm, you specify what you want to remove as well as some flags. To delete a file, you can do rm file_name. To delete a directory, you can do rm -rf directory_name. The -r means recursive and it recursively deletes the files in the folder. The -f is force and it forcefully deletes the files without confirmation. You don’t need -f, but if you have a directory with 10000 files, you will need to confirm each file deletion 10000 times. Using f saves time.

TLDR: rm = remove. rm -rf for directories.

rm file_name for file. rm -rf dir_name for directories.