GitHub Pages Hacks

Enhance or update your GitHub Pages using your new knowledge from Previous Hacks.

Theme Hacks

  • Setup your blog so you can rotate between two different themes, one in _config.yml and one in _sass/minima: Go to config and uncomment remote_theme: pages-themes/midnight@v0.2.0
  • Be prepared for live demonstration and show you have equivalent functionality.
  • Be sure you have something in your blog that uses SASS.

Jekyll and Liquid Hack

  • Alter the appearance of the blogs. Modify the layout, style, or content of your blog posts to reflect your personal taste.

The blog is much more cleaner than before with subtle rainbow effects when hovering over key items. The home page has been revamped to have the blogs front and center. The search UI has been updated as well as many quality of life changed. Fonts have been updates and so have their weights.

Utterances Hacks

[x] Setup your blogs for direct feedback.

  • Get two other people to mutually share work.
  • Each should evaluate how many thing were accomplished versus asked.